A wiki is a collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language[1][2]. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites.
you browse
you discover
you research
you realise
you criticise
you edit
you change
you publish
Information are shared across the world globally with the help of the internet. This is where wikipedia becomes useful. Not only do you find brief information, it also allow a special feature, such as editing and adding on extra information. This feature is known from new media, called online communities. People form a small community through wikipedia.
What makes wikipedia interesting is, while people can edit, the information shared could be incorrect or correct. It may not be totally correct thats why multiple users will disagree and correct the inforamtion that has once been shared.
Besides sharing a given information, some subjects have no right or wrong. This is known as controversal. for example. Abortion.
Some people say its bad, while others say its good.
They say its bad because its muredering an innocent child which is growing.
Some people say its good because its a way to resolve from growth. Why because the parent is too young or other any other cirtumstances.
This is a flaw created by wikipedia, the edit and update now has become a threat to wiki. Therefore in this case, if it happens wiki has a special function which seperates the 2 arguable topic. (for and against subject)
If you are interested in posting or correcting, there are several stages that you need to make sure. (((REFER THIS BACK TO CHRISTY LECTURE NOTES))) (((FINISIH THIS)))
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Cross Dress – World of Warcraft

What is Cross Dressing? Why do people cross-dress? Try asking a thousand people, you’ll probably get a thousand different answers. There are no certain reasons why people enjoy cross dressing. (Vern L. Bullough, Bonnie Bullough “Cross Dressing” 1993, p382)
Cross-dressing is the act of wearing clothing commonly associated with the opposite gender within a particular society. The usage of the term, the types of cross-dressing both in modern times and throughout history, an analysis of the behaviour, and historical examples are discussed in the article below. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-dressing.)
One of the most common reasons for people to cross dress in psychological terms is because certain males or females have lower dosage of male or female hormones. This generally effects the growth of both male and females, hence encouraging cross dressers to cross-dress. However, cross dressing does not only occur in a daily environment. It also occurs online. Research shows that a numerous percentage of internet users involve themselves in virtual cross dressing. (http://www.tgtimes.co.uk/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=5)
Online cross dressing occurs in many different programs, and many different platforms on the web; for example, chat rooms, Messengers, forum boards, discussion boards, online games and many more. It is no small fact that a lot of game players cross dress virtually. Why do gamers cross dress? Is it because they suffer the same biological medical problem? From research conducted and personal online experience, there appears to be no conclusive answer that indicates this is true. Gaming is done in a virtual environment where the gamer through visual means experiences satisfaction and accomplishments mentally rather than physically. Further research articles indicate that a person’s sexual preference or sexuality is independent of their mental gender identity. Crossdressing is simply the outward expression by such a person of this essential gender identity and Crossdressing is thus no less real or compelling for this person than the expression by the average male and female of their masculinity and femininity. (http://www.gendercentre.org.au/cross_dressing_information.htm )
Cross dressing begins when a gamer is prompted from a game to select a gender. The player has two choices, male or female, and the chance that a gamer will choose to play as a female is marginally higher.( http://www.worldofwar.net/forums/showthread.php?t=387787&page=2)
World of Warcraft is an online role-playing game, huge in depth and scope, the perfect example of a virtual world. Cross dressing occurs in these virtual worlds for a variety of reasons:
• Firstly, playing a female character has more advantages then playing as a male character. This is explained when an active merchant is selling an item to a female; they are more likely to lower the price, than if a male character was purchasing.
• Secondly, female characters are well protected in a virtual world such as World of Warcraft. If a female is being hunted, male characters involve themselves into “rescuing” the female player.
• Thirdly, female characters have better appearances then males. Amongst all the possible races that can be chosen between male and female, females are more commonly physically attractive. Female characters also have better fighting styles; they are more swift and graceful when fighting.
• Fourth, female characters have better and unique items then males. The aim of playing in a virtual world is to achieve a godlike status, which is why gamers play frequently. They aim to protect and enhance themselves more strongly and on a higher level – being a female has more advantage in this instance, because of the high item ratio and options available to female characters.
• Fifth, female characters are easier to socialize with in comparison to the males. While communicating in World of Warcraft, most of the questions generated from female characters are more likely to be answered by an active player. When a male character tries to communicate by asking questions, it is less likely to be responded.
• Lastly, the ratio of female characters are stronger then males in an online game such as World of Warcraft. Female characters have a higher ratio of skills, which is very important because having more skills as a character, determines who is stronger. The more skills cast, the more powerful the character is. Also, while battling, the female characters are skinnier and smaller in appearance, making it harder to select and engage on.
(http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html;jsessionid=4FC2A5E91F21DB6A49C56245484E50F5?topicId=4821922981&sid=1 )
In conclusion, people who involve themselves in online cross dressing do not do so because they suffer a biological hormone imbalance and do it more as an expression. From research female characters have more subtle benefits than their male counterparts and this is reflected by gamers’ selection.
I personally agree that playing a female character has more advantage compared to a male character. While I was playing World of Warcraft, my first character was a male character. When I first played the game it was extremely confusing, I tried asking other active players for advice, however none of the players around ever responded. This is when I recreated another hero which is a female character. While I was in town, where most of the active players gather, I asked for guidance and its amazing how many players respond.
Personally when I play games, appearances are my first preference rather than power. But its interesting where towards the end, you discover that female heroes are stronger than males.
It is interesting how a gender role, such as the male in a virtual world, tries to support the female due to the basic notions of masculinity behaviour.
Second Life “One or more Identities”
Identity is modern formulation of dignity, pride, or honor that implicitly links these
to social categories. (James D.Fearon, November 3, 1999, “Identity.”)
Identity refers to either:
(a) A social category, defined by membership rules and (alleged) characteristic attributes or expected behaviors.
(b) Socially distinguishing features that a person takes a special pride in or views as unchangeable but socially consequential (or (a) and (b) at once).
Generally, identity can be divided from an online and offline environment. Every human being has their own identity. Identity can also be separated by age, sex, occupation and characteristics. What we don’t realize is that the power of technology can shift or create a second identity. A second Identity is generated by engaging with a virtual world and yet a virtual world is created by technology such as the “internet”(Nil Zurawsk,i 1998 “Identity and the Interne). Users involved with internet have the influence of creating their own identity. A well known engine “Second Life” is one of the most common programs that engage people to have potential power to act upon the second identity.
In second life, there are features that influence the user to create a second identity, this is demonstrated when users are selecting a preferred age group, as well as controlling a virtual character to become one of the ideal occupational status.
For example, I’m currently a student studying a design course, aiming to become a designer. However, second life can offer a new dimension in an online space. I could change my name, age; and occupation to that of a businessman (for my occupational status). This demonstrates that I’m creating a new identity which separates offline and online identity. I can use my virtual identity to publish my work; hoping people can appreciate my work.
Identity can also be altered by cross dressing in a virtual world. This enables a different gender in a virtual environment. This influences them to hide away their identity. Not only by selecting a preferred gender, but also a specific age that might stimulate interests from other users. Young adults can have a choice to act older while older audiences can act younger and can be seen younger in Second life’s Virtual World. When being seen younger in a virtual world, it improves the social ability amongst the community. Appearances relate to attractiveness, while being attractive other people act and respond quicker because of appearances, hence it builds acceptance within the community.
(Mikropoulos, T. A., & Strouboulis, V. (2004). Factors that influence presence in educationalvirtual environments. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 7(5), 582-591. )
Turkle makes clear that this new experience of the self isn't merely an alternative model of identity -- it is also the basis for an alternative lifestyle. So long as we were attached to the old model of identity, she says, "the unitary self maintains its oneness by repressing all that does not fit. Thus censored, the illegitimate parts of the self are not accessible."But with the new, postmodern, self: "We do not feel compelled to rank or judge the elements of our multiplicity. We do not feel compelled to exclude what does not fit.”
Sherry Turkle “Life on a screen” http://www.transparencynow.com/turkle.htm
A virtual world not only allows people to act as differently but also it separates and removes the cultural output from users. People on the internet are creating their own culture.
I personally feel that identity is a broadening topic. With internet as an attachment to identity it engages even further by differentiating an off and online identity. I believe that everyone has a unique identity however in a daily environment; it is difficult for them to express the full potential. This is where I feel peers can affect the personality makeup of a person. With a tool such as the “internet” it can help users to express further their identity or change what is once known in the real world and now use the full potential of it in a virtual world. Nonetheless, identity can be created in a virtual world such as second life. It can be altered and controlled by an unknown user.
http://www.joystiq.com/media/2006/10/mii.swf - an example of how to change appearance in a virtual world.
Another outcome that fascinates me in Second Life is people use the second identity to make money in Second Life. Second Life’s functionalities are similar to the real world; depending on how well they do in the virtual world it affects them in the reality world.
You can design a build house for other users that may take interest upon your design. The other user can purchase your design by using a currency known as Linden. By collecting the linden dollar, the seller can save up this virtual currency and convert it later into real world currency. This is how they make money in a virtual world. For example a person whose first identity is a young designer might attract customers due to the perception that age grants experience and increased talent. However by creating a second identity with a virtual increase in age, one can garner the attentions of an audience that did not take him seriously when he was in first identity. Even though it’s a second identity, overall it doesn’t separate them from being successful. By using a different environment it allowed the user to express their full potential and a similar increase in support with a different identity.
• James D.Fearon, November 3, 1999, “Identity.”
• Nil Zurawski, 1998, “Identity and the Internet.”
• Sherry Turkle “Life on a screen” accessed on: May 3rd, 2008
• http://www.transparencynow.com/turkle.htm
• Mikropoulos, T. A., & Strouboulis, V. (2004). Factors that influence presence in educational virtual environments. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 7(5), 582-591. [Mikropoulos2004]
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